Here is the link to tonight’s Progressive Rock Show which was broadcast on Progzilla Radio. On this show the album numbers 19 to 12 inclusive are revealed of Caron Jones’s top 50 favourite albums👇👇
We need to talk about the part of heartbreak that has little to do with the other person.
It’s the shock of going from being in each other’s daily lives to going no contact.
It’s the grieving someone who’s still alive.
It’s the not wanting to return to the life you had before you met them.
It’s the feeling of being completely out of control and unable to change an outcome that was never part of the plan.
Heartbreak isn’t just about losing the person—it’s about losing the version of yourself that existed with them.
It’s mourning shared routines, plans, and the imagined future.
It’s facing the void of their absence while still seeing traces of them everywhere.
The hardest part?
Rebuilding yourself in a world they once shaped.
I am feeling this so deeply right now. Tears are streaming down my face as I write this.
Also losing their family too. Its hard.
I was there…after 10+ years together. I finally made it to the other side of grief. ❤️‍🩹 I cry, dance, meditate, pray, write affirmations, journal… Felt all my feelings, stopped being a people pleaser and learned to truly love myself. 🙏🏽💝
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5d5 days ago
I wish more people talked about the courage it takes to heal a broken heart.
It might be one of the hardest things you’ll ever have to do.
There will be nights when your loneliness will feel unbearable and mornings when your anxiety will feel permanent.
But you just have to keep going. Feel your feelings and focus on your healing.
Because this altered state we call heartbreak isn’t permanent, but the only way out is through.
The only way out is with courage.
3d3 days ago
The healthiest couples I know have specific habits that set them apart from other couples:
1. When they argue, they’re never disrespectful. They don’t name call and they listen to the other’s point of view.
2. They never threaten to end the relationship when they’re upset.
3. They own their part: they know how to apologize.
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23m23 minutes ago
Let him go.
Let him be the one who misses out on a woman as amazing as you and everything you bring to the table.
It’s not your job to prove your worth to anyone who doesn’t see it.
If he can’t appreciate all you have to offer, then he’s the one who’s losing out.
Stay true to yourself, because you deserve someone who values you fully.
You deserve better.
4d4 days ago
We can’t heal someone we love, and they can’t heal us.
But in a relationship, we’re given an opportunity to participate in each other’s healing that looks nothing like fixing, rescuing, codependency or self-abandonment.
It looks like compassion.
2d2 days ago
One of the most significant lessons I learned about love, relationships, and breaking up is how to let go.
If someone believes their happiness is somewhere else, I’m not holding them back from finding it.
I’m never going to make my life harder by trying to convince someone to stay in my life.
If you stay, I want it to be because you want to and because you choose to.
Because we need to be choosing each other – and the relationship, every day.
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