R.I.P: TEARSšŸ˜­ all-over ANFIELD as former LIVERPOOL forward confirmed DEAD this morning – Jurgen Klopp revealed cause of his death in tearsĀ 

R.I.P: TEARSšŸ˜­ all-over ANFIELD as former LIVERPOOL forward confirmed DEAD this morning – Jurgen Klopp revealed cause of his death in tearsĀ 


Dean Sullivan and Bill Kenwright. Two Liverpool greats laid to rest


Dean Sullivan, ā€œDeanoā€™sā€, coffin is ready to lead the cortege through Liverpool to Springfield Crematorium the place where most of us will end our physical time on earth.


Over the last two days I have represented the City of Liverpool as we said goodbye to two great sons of our city. Both brought huge honour and credit to our city.


On Monday I was at the memorial service in the Anglican Cathedral to say farewell to Bill Kenwright at a most moving memorial service. The Cathedral probably had its best turn out in 2023 as 2000+ stars and local people from the theatrical and football worlds came together to honour his life and what a life it was.


From kicking footballs about as a kid in Kensington to being one of the best-known theatrical impresarios the Country has ever known is no mean feat. The fact that he did so with huge generosity of the time that had could spare to help struggling actors and theatrical company often putting his own money in to keep productions going and careers and hopes alive. The two worlds came together in his landmark production, Blood Brothers. I have lost count of the number of times that I have seen this in Liverpool and London.



The tale of twins split at birth by a Mum who could not afford to look after both is a hugely important tale as one twin remained in poverty and the other adopted by a wealthy middle-class family who had every advantage and became a councillor. This is reminder that we should all take to heart because often our life chances are based on those early years and the support that our parents and wider family can give us!


The other side of his life was his beloved Everton FC where he was the chair for two decades. Moving current and former players spoke of the support he gave them behind the scenes when times were hard either in the football world or their lives. Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham spoke movingly of a journey back to London in Billā€™s car when he rang players after a particularly bruising game. The current captain told of his belief that EFC had won a particular crucial European game because of the pre-match talk that Bill had given to the players.


What was great to see was the huge out welling of support not only from Evertonians but large numbers of LFC former players and officials were also there. Iā€™m no expert on football but the affection from both clubs was palpable. The pledge from the whole Cathedral attendees was palpable. Win a big cup and get thee new stadium finished. No real challenge there then although even I know that EFC is on a good run!


Then on Tuesday I went to the Parish Church of St Nicholas, Liverpoolā€™s Parish Church for the funeral of Dan Sillivan. ā€˜Deanoā€™ to his friends and family but, as the Rector of Liverpool, Canon Crispin Palling observed, Jimmy Corkhill to millions. Dan was a parishioner at St Nicks and a regular communicant there before leading part of the congregation off to Ma Boyles! A qualified teacher who got an honours degree in teaching but gave up a safe career for the more worrying life of a career as an actor. He made it to the very top it in Brookside that fictional tale of a cul-de-sac in Croxteth where there was mayhem every minute but huge heart and compassion all the time.


So many Scousers recognised that heady mix in our own family lives. Liverpool is such a great place to grow up and we try to meet all the trials and tribulations as a family and as a community. When after another funeral I attended I asked somehow how they would, ā€˜like to goā€™ the answer was, ā€œunder a patioā€ following one of the Closeā€™s most famous story lines. I donā€™t think that he was joking.


The two services had three things in common:


Leading actors gave powerful eulogies. In Billā€™s case it was provided by his partner Jenny Seagrove who spoke eloquently about the Bill that she had known. In Deanoā€™s funeral it was his fellow actor Sue Johnson who read her own poem composed in his honour. Both kept their comments short and delivered them beautifully as you would expect from two troopers.


Their love of Liverpool was absolutely unshakable. Both rose from modest beginnings to achieve remarkable things but for both of them Liverpool was embedded in their spine like the place name in a stick of rock. I cannot think of two more powerful ambassadors for Liverpool. They loved the place and they let everyone know it.


Lastly Liverpool FCā€™s anthem, ā€œYouā€™ll Never Walk Aloneā€ became the anthem for everyone at both events. Both congregations vowed to honour the memory of these great men and to support each both now and in the future. ā€œYouā€™ll never walk aloneā€ is always at the heart of what we do in our city as we care for each other and share with each other.


The two events were times of great sadness as we mourned the loss of two men taken far too soon. They were symbols of unity as we walked together through the dark times. They were events where we looked forward to better times ahead because of the work those two Liverpool Greats had bequeathed.


The Salvation Army says when its members die that they have been ā€˜Promoted to Gloryā€™ Bill and Dean were promoted to glory in their lifetime in the city that they loved, and their star shone over the whole nation.


Thanks Dean, Thanks Bill. We will not forget you.


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News EPL

Former Liverpool coach Jacques Crevoisier has died age 72

17 May / autty

Former Liverpool first-team coach Jacques Crevoisier has died at the age of 72.


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His death from a heart attack was reported in his home country of France on Sunday morning.


Crevoisier was part of Liverpool’s coaching staff for two years during Gerard Houllier’s time as manager.


He joined the Reds in the summer of 2001 when he replaced Patrice Bergues, who left to become general manager at Lens.


Crevoisier arrived with an excellent reputation having worked on the technical staff for the French FA and UEFA, where he was a close confidant of Houllier.


He also took charge of France’s under-19 team and helped guide them to the European Championship in 2000.


During Crevoisier’s time at Liverpool, the Reds reached the Champions League quarter-finals and finished Premier League runners up in 2001/02, and won the League Cup by beating Manchester United 2-0 in Cardiff the following season.


Crevoisier left for family reasons in the summer of 2003 but remained a huge Liverpool fan and continued to work in football – including a spell assisting Arsenal – and the media in France.


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Latest comments



2020-05-19 01:25

RIP āš° you’ll never walk alone




2020-05-18 23:06





2020-05-18 15:37

At least he will die knowing his team won the prem




2020-05-18 13:33




2020-05-18 13:33

RIP šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™



2020-05-18 12:35




2020-05-18 11:02




2020-05-18 10:28




2020-05-18 09:55

You’ll Never Walk Alone



2020-05-18 09:18




2020-05-18 07:05

Rest peaceful Jac



2020-05-18 06:29

rest in peace



2020-05-18 05:35

Rest in peace. The premier league is ours so no need to turn in your grave



2020-05-18 05:11

My condolence



2020-05-18 04:49

RIP….big respect! YNWA



2020-05-18 04:15

Gone but never forgotten. RIP Jacques #YNWA



2020-05-18 02:55

RIP will remember you ynwa



2020-05-18 02:52

RIP Jacq


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